

Title: Barumbado (lit.: Delinquent)

Genre: Action 

Runtime: 1h 45m

Released: 22 March 1990

Country of Origin: Philippines 

Language: Filipino

Director: Wilfredo’Willy’ Milan (credited as Willy Milan, KDPP, SGP)

Writer: Wilfredo’Willy’ Milan (credited as Willy Milan) (story) • Humilde ‘Meek’ Roxas (screenplay)

Production Company: Double M Films

Synopsis: In the heart of a notorious neighbourhood, where the narrow streets were lined with dilapidated buildings and an eerie silence reigned in the air, shadows danced mischievously, drawing long, eerie shapes on the cracked sidewalk. It was a place where the whispers of the wind spread tales of betrayal and the walls seemed to hold the secrets of countless misdeeds.

Amidst this gloomy environment lived a young gangster, a simple boy who was immersed in a world of darkness and despair from a young age. His days were spent navigating the treacherous labyrinth of crime, his nights were haunted by the echoes of gunfire and the distant sirens that pierced the silence of the night. But deep within his hardened heart, a glimmer of hope flickered, like a single candle in a pitch-black room.

This young gangster, whose name was whispered in hushed tones by those who feared him, longed for something more. He longed for a life beyond the confines of this desolate region, where the weight of his sins weighed on him like an invisible burden. The glimmer of hope shone brighter with each passing day, urging him to free himself from the clutches of his shameful existence and seek solace in the arms of another reality.

He dreamed of a world where the sun bathed the streets in a warm golden glow, where laughter filled the air instead of the oppressive silence that weighed heavily on the atmosphere. He longed for a place where the walls were decorated with bright colours instead of the peeling paint that reflected the decadence of his surroundings. In his mind he saw himself walking hand in hand with a lover, their footsteps echoing through a busy city, far from the desolation that had characterized his life.

But dreams, he knew, were fragile things. They were like delicate glass sculptures, easily broken by the harsh realities of his existence. But despite all odds, the young gangster clung to this glimmer of hope and nurtured it like a fragile flower in a barren desert. Because he knew that in that flickering flame lay the power to change his life and rewrite the narrative forced upon him.

In the heart of this infamous neighbourhood, where shadows danced with malice and where the streets whispered tales of betrayal, the young gangster dared to dream. He dared to believe that there was a world beyond the boundaries of his current reality, a world where salvation and salvation awaited him. With each passing day, he came one step closer to being freed from the chains that bound him. His heart was filled with an unwavering determination to secure a better future for himself, whatever the cost.

Deep within his soul burned a burning desire, an insatiable desire to free himself from the oppressive clutches of his sordid past. Every fibre of his being yearned for liberation, for overcoming the limitations imposed by his humble upbringing, and for a journey to a realm where the air was filled with the intoxicating scent of limitless possibilities.

With his eyes fixed on the distant horizon, the young gangster's mind wandered into the realm of dreams and painted vivid pictures of a life full of radiant beauty. In this utopian existence, love would reign supreme, guiding every step toward justice. The vision of such a life of opulence and grace danced before his eyes like a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colours, captivating his imagination and inspiring his desires.

In this world, he created, the young gangster imagined being surrounded by the most beautiful things life had to offer. Your home should be a haven of elegance, adorned with exquisite works of art that whisper stories of timeless beauty. The walls would be decorated with masterpieces, each brush stroke a testament to the artist's skill and passion. The halls would be filled with the harmonious melodies of the grand pianos and the gentle strumming of the guitars, whose enchanting melodies would echo throughout the opulent halls.

Love, the guiding principle of his planned existence, would be the foundation upon which his life would be built. It would be a love that transcends the boundaries of simple romance and encompasses compassion, empathy and a deep connection to the world around you. His heart was full of kindness and his actions were motivated by a sincere desire to uplift and inspire those he met on his journey.

As the young gangster stood there looking at the distant horizon, he knew that the path to this idyllic existence would not be easy. To achieve this, he had to throw off the chains of his past and face the demons that haunted him at every turn. However, he was willing to endure trials and tribulations because he believed he had the power to change his life and turn his dreams into reality.

And so, with unwavering determination and a heart full of hope, the young gangster set out to find a life full of beauty, love and limitless possibilities.

For him, love was not just a passing feeling, but a ray of light that promised to illuminate the darkest corners of his existence. It was a power that could transform his hardened heart and melt away the icy layers of cynicism that had built up over the years. He believed that love had the power to rewrite the story of his life and paint bright splashes of colour on the monochrome canvas of his existence.

With each passing day, the young gangster's desire to escape the clutches of his criminal past grows stronger. He wanted to trade the cold, unforgiving streets for the warmth of a tender embrace. He longed to trade the deafening sound of gunfire for the sweet symphony of laughter between two souls. He longed to leave the twisted labyrinth of deception and betrayal behind him and walk the winding path of love and trust.

So the young gangster, full of determination, sets out to find redemption. He knew that the path ahead would be full of pitfalls and that the shadows of his past would hover over him like ghosts of doubt. But armed with the boldness of hope and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of love, he embarked on a journey that would test the very fabric of his being.

Because deep down he knew that the path to salvation would not be easy. It would take sacrifice, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to rise above the darkness that had defined his existence. But the young gangster, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon, was ready to face the trials that awaited him. He was ready to break free from the chains that bound him to embrace a life where love came first.

And so the young gangster came closer to his dreams with every step. The harsh realities of his past may have shaped him, but they will not define him. For he was determined to shape his destiny and create a narrative that contradicted the expectations of his infamous upbringing. And as he ventured into the unknown, he carried with him an unshakable belief that love, in all its radiant glory, would lead him to a better future.

Top Billed Cast: Robin Padilla (as the main protagonist), Pinky de Leon, Michael de Mesa, Isabel Rivas, Lani Lobangco and Ernie Garcia

Also Starring: Bomber Moran, Romeo Rivera, Val Iglesia, Angelo Ventura, Usman Hassim, Ros Olgado, Edward Luna, Ivan Duval, Jun Hidalgo, July Hidalgo, Bong Varona

Featuring: Pamela Amor, Eric Lorenzo, Lovely Mansueto

Cinematography By: Jose Tutanes

Film Editing By: Ruben Natividad

Production Design By: Dan Javier

Musical Direction By: Rey Valera

Produced By: Lorena S. Duran

Executive Producer: Roberto U. Genova

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