Neber 2 Geder


Title: Neber 2 Geder

Genre: Comedy

Runtime: 1h 51m

Released: 17 April 1996

Country of Origin: Philippines 

Language: Filipino 

Director: Ben Feleo

Writer: Reynaldo Castro (story & screenplay) • Ben Feleo (story & screenplay)

Production Company: Viva Films

Synopsis: In a quaint and idyllic small town with cobblestone streets and bustling boutiques and cafes, there was a humble dwelling that served as a stage for the delightful and often noisy daily adventures of two extraordinary characters, Tonyo and Berto. Played by legendary and revered actor Redford White, Tonyo was a man of small stature, but his presence exuded an irresistible charm that had the power to light up even the darkest corners of any room he entered. His infectious charisma was like a radiant ray of sunshine that could captivate the hearts and minds of all who had the privilege of crossing his path.

Berto, on the other hand, was an imposing figure, a true human colossus, played by the extremely talented and versatile actor Andrew E. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Berto exuded intrigue and mischief. it was as captivating as it was enigmatic. His imposing physique, coupled with his mischievous nature, created a fascinating dichotomy that continually piqued the curiosity of those who met him.

Together, Tonyo and Berto embarked on a variety of adventures within the confines of their humble home, each day opening a new chapter in their extraordinary lives. From the moment the golden rays of sunshine gently kissed the city skyline to the moment the moon took its rightful place in the velvet night sky, the property has become a haven of laughter, camaraderie and unbridled happiness.

Between these four walls countless stories took place, each more captivating than the next. The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air and mingled with the melodic sounds emanating from a beloved record player, creating a symphony of sensory delights. The walls, adorned with photographs and memorabilia from their countless adventures, bore witness to memories deeply etched into their existence.

In this little oasis of peace, Tonyo and Berto's lives intertwine in a web of friendship, love and laughter. Their shared experiences, both great and mundane, were woven with threads of joy and mischief, creating a vivid picture that painted a portrait of their unique bond. And while the outside world continued its incessant turmoil, home stood as a testament to the enduring power of human connection and the beauty found in the simplest moments.

In the realm of human relationships, there were two individuals whose outward appearances were very different, but whose bond was nothing short of extraordinary. It was a special mix of camaraderie and incessant arguments that characterised their relationship. Each passing day was adorned with a living tapestry of lively banter and comic exchanges as they engaged in an eternal competition of jokes and mischievous pranks. 

From the simplest playful stunts to the most elaborate schemes, their interactions were a source of endless pleasure for those lucky enough to witness their antics. The air around them crackled with electric energy as their quick minds and quick tongues danced in a symphony of jokes and buffoonery. It was a spectacle that transcended the everyday, a spectacle that painted the canvas of their existence with vivid colours of laughter and happiness.

But their harmonious but turbulent existence was to be interrupted by an unexpected turn of events. Fate had decided to reunite their extended family under one roof when their loved ones decided to join them in the house they had inherited from their retired employer, the esteemed Senior Mondragon (played by Tony Carreon). This sudden influx of family members turned their once peaceful abode into a bustling hub of chaos and laughter.

As the relatives settled into their new surroundings, the house seemed to shrink and struggled to accommodate the growing number of residents. The once serene atmosphere was now filled with a cacophony of voices, each family member adding their own unique touch to the symphony of chaos. The smell of home-cooked meals hung in the air, mingling with laughter and lively conversation.

With each passing day, the house became the scene of a series of strange accidents and disasters. Whether it was misplaced items or accidental spills, loved ones seemed to have an uncanny ability to turn even the simplest tasks into loud spectacles. The walls echoed with laughter as the family members became embroiled in a tangle of hilarious situations and their misadventures became legendary.

In this whirlwind of events, Tonyo and Berto find themselves at the centre of the storm, their mischievous natures heightened by the presence of their loved ones. Their pranks became more sophisticated, their jokes more animated as they enjoyed the chaos around them. The house, once a haven of calm, had now become a playground for their mischievous souls.

So, despite laughter and occasional sighs of despair, the house continued to be a testament to the power of family and the joy that can be found in the most unexpected circumstances. As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, home remained a place where love, laughter and a touch of madness coexisted in perfect harmony.

Top Billed Cast: Andrew E. and Redford White

Also Starring: Amanda Page, Cara Mara & Michael de Mesa

With: Zeny Zabala, Ben Tisoy, Elizabeth Ramsey, Tony Carreon, Mikell Chan, Dardo de Oro, Ross Rival 

Cinematography By: Ernie dela Paz

Film Editing By: Rene Tala

Production Design By: Vic Villavicencio II

Musical Direction By: Ricky del Rosario

Executive Producer: Vic del Rosario, Jr.

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