Ben Delubyo


Title: Ben Delubyo

Genre: Action 

Runtime: 1h 35m

Released: 18 March 1998

Country of Origin: Philippines 

Language: Filipino 

Director: Ike Jarlego

Writer: Genaro ‘Nerdie’ Cruz

Production Company: Neo Films • RRJ Productions

Synopsis: On the vast and impressive field of valor and valor stood a determined and steadfast former soldier, whose name has echoed in the annals of history as a symbol of iron determination and unwavering courage. His heart glowing with the flames of justice, he was accompanied by his faithful comrades, a group of brothers bound by an unbreakable bond forged in the fire of battle. Together they embark on a perilous and perilous mission, a quest of the utmost importance that tests their courage and pushes them to the limits of their physical and mental endurance.

Their noble goal, which shone like a beacon of hope amid the darkness that enveloped the country, was none other than the elimination of the nefarious leaders who headed the four most notorious unions that were ravaging the country. These vile and despicable individuals, like puppet masters holding the strings of chaos and despair, had trapped the innocent in their web of malevolence, spreading fear and suffering across the once peaceful and prosperous kingdom.

With every step they took, the former soldier and his loyal comrades encountered countless obstacles and dangers that threatened to jeopardize their mission. The path they took was fraught with danger as they navigated dense forests full of hidden traps and ambushes with keen senses and razor-sharp instincts. The air they breathed seemed to bear the weight of impending doom, as if the earth itself had conspired against their valiant cause.

But they persevered and were undeterred by the daunting odds that stood before them. Their iron resolve and unwavering camaraderie served as a shield against the darkness that threatened to consume them. Each member of this intrepid group had their own skills and expertise, and their individual strengths complemented each other like pieces of a larger puzzle. Together, they were an unstoppable force that would not stop until justice was served and the country was freed from the clutches of tyranny.

And so, with hearts burning and swords raised, they ventured into the heart of darkness, ready to face whatever horrors awaited them. Their names will remain engraved in the annals of history, we will forever remember these brave heroes who dared to defy the power of the infamous unions. Because the fate of the country was in their hands and they would stop at nothing to ensure that peace and prosperity would reign supreme again.

With an unwavering determination burning like a fierce flame in their souls, this band of brave and intrepid warriors, bound together by an unbreakable bond of camaraderie, embarked on a perilous journey into the treacherous abyss of danger. Each member of this courageous group possessed a determined spirit that would not be appeased in the face of the most daunting challenges that awaited them.

Fully aware of the immense risks that awaited them, these brave souls moved forward without fear, their hearts filled with a powerful mix of concern and determination. They understood that the success of their secret operation, shrouded in mystery and shadow, depended on their unwavering commitment and selfless sacrifice.

With each step they took, their senses heightened, attuned to the slightest whisper of danger lurking in the shadows. Her eyes, sharp as the sharpest blades, scanned her surroundings, looking for any sign of impending danger. Their ears were finely tuned to the symphony of the battlefield, listening intently to the slightest rustle of leaves or the distant echo of an enemy's footsteps.

Each warrior willingly risked life and limb, knowing full well that the path they chose was fraught with uncertainty and could have grave consequences. Yet they carried on, their hearts beating with a fierce determination that could not be silenced.

Her mind, sharpened by countless hours of training and honed by the crucible of experience, calculated every move with meticulous precision. They strategized, adapted to the ever-changing environment of their mission, and used their minds to weave a web of complex plans and contingencies.

Despite all odds, they persevered, their morale and determination unwavering. They were not just soldiers but warriors of the highest rank who embodied the essence of courage and bravery. Her unwavering commitment to her cause has propelled her forward, and her selfless sacrifice serves as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

And so this group of brave warriors ventured deeper into the abyss of danger with every step they took, their hearts burning with unquenchable fire. They knew that the path ahead would be difficult and full of pitfalls that would test their courage. But they were not discouraged, for they were bound together by an unbreakable bond, united in their pursuit of victory and driven by an indomitable spirit that refused to die.

Every step they took was fraught with uncertainty as they navigated the labyrinthine web of criminal enterprise that had ensnared the country. The shadows whispered tales of the evil that awaited them, but they pressed on undeterred, their hearts glowing with an unwavering desire to restore peace and justice to the realm.

Their journey was not without trials and tribulations. They encountered countless physical and psychological obstacles that tested their endurance and resilience. But with each setback, they found the strength to rise up, their unwavering resolve serving as an unbreakable shield against the forces that sought to thwart their noble mission.

As they neared their destinations, the tension in the air became palpable. The burden of their responsibilities lay heavy on their shoulders, but they remained resolute in their pursuit of justice. The fate of the Earth hung in the balance and they knew that failure was not an option.

Finally the moment of reckoning has come. With precision and calculated strategy, they infiltrated the inner sanctums of the union leadership and executed their every move with extreme precision. The crash of steel and the crackle of gunfire echoed through the corridors as the former soldier and his comrades waged a fierce battle against the forces of darkness.

In the end, her iron determination and unwavering commitment to her cause won out. The infamous union leaders were defeated and their reign of terror came to a decisive end. The country that was once plagued by the wickedness of these criminal masterminds could now breathe a sigh of relief knowing that justice had been served.

So the former soldier and his comrades returned from their dangerous mission, their bodies scarred and tired, but their morale intact. They faced the greatest dangers, risking their lives and limbs, all in the noble pursuit of a safer and more just world. Their names will forever be etched in the annals of heroism, their stories a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of unwavering determination.

Top Billed Cast: Ramon 'Bong' Revilla, Jr., Charlene Gonzales, Ronaldo Valdez, Roy Alvarez and Joko Diaz

Introducing: Aileen Damiles

Also Starring: Bayani Agbayani, Rez Cortez, King Gutierrez, Roldan Aquino, Zandro Zamora, Ernie Zarate, Nanding Fernandez, Boy Roque, Edwin Reyes, Naty Santiago

Cinematography By: Rey de Leon

Film Editing By: Marya Ignacio

Production Design By: Arnel Clemente

Musical Direction By: Mitch Moralla

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