Bad Boy

Title: Bad Boy
Genre: Action | Drama
Runtime: 1h 57m
Released: 10 October 1990
Country of Origin: Philippines
Language: Filipino
Director: Eddie Rodriguez (kdpp)
Writer: Rod Santiago (story) • Humilde 'Meek' Roxas (screenplay • Eddie Rodriguez (screenplay)
Production Company: Viva Films

Synopsis: In this small and unassuming town, nestled among bustling squatters, a young boy named Bumbo finds himself caught up in the turbulent web of his family's tragic past. His mother, a gentle soul named Monang, had endured years of torment at the hands of her husband, a man whose heart had been consumed by the poison of alcohol, gambling, and women. Bumbo's father, a once vibrant and loving man, had succumbed to the darkness that lurked within him and turned into a monster that haunted their home.

As the sun sank below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the world, Bumbo would often sit huddled in a corner, his heart pounding with fear as the echoes of his father's anger echoed through the walls. The smell of a desperate ghost permeated the air, mixing with the crushing tension that weighed heavily on the atmosphere. In those moments, Bumbo's young mind sparked a passionate determination to protect his mother and protect her from the blows that rained down on her fragile body.

With each passing day, Bumbo's resolve grew stronger, his young mind struggling with the weight of responsibility that rested on his thin shoulders. He stood tall, his eyes burning with fiery determination as he faced his father's wrath head-on. In those moments he became a guardian angel, a beacon of hope in the darkness, protecting his mother from the storm that threatened to engulf them both.

But fate seemed to have a cruel sense of irony. On that fateful day, as the sun stood high and bright in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the city, Bumbo's father's anger reached its peak. In a fit of rage, he threw himself at Monang with his fists clenched, ready to strike. At that moment, driven by a love so fierce it could move mountains, Bumbo stepped forward, his voice trembling but determined.

“No more,” he whispered into his being, his words carrying the weight of a thousand battles. “You won’t hurt him again.”

And with those words came a tragic turn of events. Bumbo's father, blinded by his own anger, stumbled backwards, his body hitting a sharp stick. The room grew quiet, the air thick with foreboding. Bumbo's heart sank as he realised the gravity of what had just happened. His father, the man who once held him in his arms, now lay lifeless on the cold, unforgiving ground.

After that fateful day, rumours began to spread throughout the city. Bumbo, the little boy who dared to defy his father, now had a name that would define him forever: BAD BOY. It was a name that evoked both admiration and fear, a testament to the strength and resilience that resided within his soul.

But as the years passed and the wounds of the past began to heal, Bumbo realised that he was not defined by the name he had been given. He wasn't a bad boy, but a survivor, a warrior who had faced the darkness head-on and come out stronger on the other side. And in his heart, he knew that his mother, his guiding light, would forever be his greatest source of strength.

Cast: Robin Padilla
Starring: Cristina Gonzales, Mark Gil, Mayleen Zapanta, Katherine Gomez, Ronaldo Valdez, Perla Bautista, Paquito Diaz, Ruel Vernal, Dick Israel and Daniel Fernando
Production Designer: Arthur Santamaria
Cinematographer: Edmund Cupcupin
Sound Supervision: Rolly Ruta
Film Editor: Ike Jarlego
Musical Director: Jaime Fabregas
Screenplay: Humilde "Meek" Roxas and Eddie Rodriguez
Associate Director: Norman Daza
Associate Producer: Edith Manuel
Assistant Executive Producer: Sandy Santamaria
Supervising Producer: Eric Cuatico
Producer: William Leary
Executive Producer: Vic Del Rosarion, Jr.

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